Why Dalits need to strengthen Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)?

Rahul Kumar Balley, Member Bahujan Samaj Party

It is a known fact that the people belonging to the marginalized sections of the society are excluded from the mainstream society by the capitalist class that owns the means of production. It is also a fact that the majority of the people from this section of the society are poor, landless laborers who have to depend upon the capitalist class for their livelihood. Having a means of production, the capitalist class works in tandem to formulate anti-poor policies and programmes. For example, the implementation of GST & demonetization has further burdened the have-nots.

Reservation in government institutions for the SCs/STs is extended by the respective government from time to time. The majority of the Dalits & backward class people seek government jobs. In future, job seekers from the marginalized groups will not be able to get government jobs because of their sub-standard education. India is being digitized. And this digitization shall prove dangerous to the survival of the Dalits & backward classes who solely depend upon the government jobs. The rotten education imparted in the government schools where the majority of the Dalit children get the education is not up to the mark to fulfill the complex eligibility criteria of the government jobs. In this era of globalization, English and computer knowledge is must.  Both are a challenge to acquire for the poor Dalit children, especially in slum areas.  Free coaching centers run by the government of India under the aegis of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment for the upliftment of the poor Dalit children lacks infrastructure, funds and qualified teachers.

The demand for private reservation is going to be rejected. Industry think-tanks like FICCI, ASSOCHAM, PHD Chamber and CII have already rejected the demand for private reservation. Private owners of the industries would never allow any government to accept the demand for the private reservation.

Violence against the poor Dalits in India has exacerbated. The pseudo nationalists under the protection of the ruling dispensation are killing the innocent Dalits. Dalit women are raped, killed and sexually harassed by the goons who draw strength from the law-enforcing personnel’s. The situation of poor Dalits in the villages of India is more precarious since the justice dispensing agencies are in the hands of those people who do not want to see the Dalits to rise in life. The number of Atrocities committed against the Dalits has been increasing day by day. The judicial system in India largely works in favour of the rich who can hire the best and competent lawyer to fight the legal case.

Since independence, Dalits as a vote bank are taken for granted by the ruling central as well state government. Funds earmarked for the upliftment of the poor Dalits are usurped by the upper caste people since the dispersal of funds are in their hands. The contemporary political parties owned and run by the upper caste people want the annihilation of reservation. The current ruling dispensation at the center is polarizing the society on religion, caste, and language basis. By such dirty politics, the Dalits are affected since they have to organize and agitate every day on the street to seek justice for their social, economic and political safeguards that are enshrined in the constitution of India by their icon leader Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. There is a need for more Scheduled Caste members to elected against unreserved seats.

It is the only Bahujan Samaj Party(BSP) under the leadership of Behn Kumari Mayawati that can safeguard the constitutional rights of the Dalits. It is the only BSP that can stop violence against the poor Dalits. It is the only BSP that can protect reservation quota in the government institutions. It is the only BSP that can stop the suicide of poor farmers. It is the only BSP that can stop the abuse of law. It is the only BSP that can empower the Dalits. Time is calling the Dalits to strengthen the BSP.