JNU’s maiden online entrance test in December

Jawaharlal Nehru University

New Delhi,   Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) will be conducting its maiden online entrance test between December 27-30, it said on Tuesday.

“Please note that the tentative dates for the JNU Entrance Examinations (JNUEE) for the Academic Year 2019-20 are December 27-30, 2018.

“The format for the JNUEE 2019-20 will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) through a computer-based test,” it announced on its website.

The process to change the mode of test from subjective to objective type was initiated by the Vice Chancellor of the university through a 12-member committee formed earlier in the year.

The decision was passed in the varsity’s Academic Council meeting, amid vehement protests from a section of students who deplored the online mode as a “scam” and as “unilaterally” imposed upon them by the university head.

Till now, the entrance examinations are conducted physically across centres, with some of them — those conducted for M.Phil and Ph.D and language courses — requiring a viva voce.