An interview with Mr. Ike Sinha, Country Head, “Unite 4 good”

Rahul Kumar, Senior Journalist, Asian Independent UK,  in an interview with Mr. Ike Sinha, Country Head, “Unite 4 good” non-profit organization.

Tell us about Unite 4 good. How many branches across the globe? How it works and who are the members?

Founder, philanthropist and global entrepreneur, Mr. Anthony Melikhov, recently launched a noble concept looking to bring about change at a social consciousness level and unite children, youth, and communities in support of harmony, happiness and good to all. This is the time when all nations need to unite, rise above party politics, religion and other dividing distracters to UNITE 4: GOOD. Conversations about a nation’s GDG or GDP must now include discussion of a nation’s GDH – Gross Domestic Happiness. Unite4: Good and its global campaign was launched in India look to renew fading values amongst our children and provide our future generations with a better world full of kindness, care, love, respect of our elders, spiritual consciousness and a life in pursuit of happiness and joy for all, rich or poor alike, for a better tomorrow and a more united world.Unite4Good has its Head Office in Chicago, IL and branch offices in NY and LA. We have the India office in New Delhi. The other offices are in Africa and Moscow.

When Unite 4 good aims to develop a positive outlook on life; how your organization imparts training to the people to nurture kindness?

Unite4: Good wishes to launch its “What Would You Do to Change the World for Good” India Campaign to inspire and empower local communities to help one another in support of our children and families by remembering the core values that drive change for good. India further benefits from the existence of millions of nonprofits, accredited universities, a powerful media and entertainment sector, and prominent technology firms.  By enlisting their help and engaging them in the campaign, Unite4: Goodwill unite these local champions in support of a sustainable and scalable grassroots movement for good.

When you talk about Unite 4 good working for the underprivileged children of the world. In what activities your organization engages the children belonging to the underprivileged sections of the society? 

Through the U4G campaign, society will become more aware of the benefits of kindness both on a personal and community level, and charitable organizations will be empowered by increased activism, awareness, and contributions that will affect and benefit humanity on a global scale. The ultimate goal of the U4G campaign is to convey the give: inspire: empower: love the message and provoke positive action to deliver a day when the number of people who want to help, outnumber those who need it.

Is Unite 4 good running any center in any part of India? Since you represent Unite 4 good as a Country Head; what are the activities you organize? How do you evolve people from different walks of life?

Unite4: Good is carrying out a significant role in offering different avenues for individuals or groups to create change and promote social good through the medium of Music, Art & Culture. INTERKULTUR has officially authorized Unite4: Good as their Associate Partner in India to promote the 4th Asia Pacific Choir Games’2017 at Colombo, Sri Lanka and to bring about the motto of INTERKULTUR “Singing together brings Nations together”, to motivate people to exercise tolerance, respect their fellow human beings and make an active contribution to peace in the world.

The Glasgow Mela producers have officially authorized Unite4: Good as their Associate Partner in India to promote the Glasgow Mela@ Festival/Merchant City Festival &Fringe Festival.Unite4: Good is carrying out a significant role in offering different avenues for individuals or groups to create change and promote social good through the medium of Music, Art & Culture.

Unite4: Good ensures to select talented youth anywhere from India who has used “ Music, Art, and Culture ” but also returned back to the society and especially to the less privileged children and “JOY OF GIVING ” is selected as Youth Ambassador, Unite4: Good. Please find one such young girl, Ms. Devina Bolina from Gurgaon who through her passion for Art have given back towards the education of orphans and education of slum children. Please find citation attached.  

Since you represent Unite 4 good in India. What is the support you expect from the government of India to promote the aims and objectives of your organization?

Appreciation Letter from Ministry of Youth Affairs, Government of Gujarat to be directly involved to contribute our services for our Hon’ble Prime Minister’s pet project of Vibrant Gujarat’2017 on 10 January 2017. Please find Appreciation Letter attached.

Now the world is realizing that it is a wastage of national wealth on spending money with destructive weapons and restrict War Diplomacy to Culture Diplomacy. Now it is time to have peace in the world it is only through understanding of culture and traditions of different nations is the only medium that can unite with nations through culture and the only method to find peace in the world.  

Unite 4 good is a global organization. In which country Unite 4 good have the branches and who are the people behind to run the branches.

  1. Unite4: Good is on a global campaign to spread the message of Acts of Kindness and Compassion. Remove the negativity and focus more on the positivity.
  2. Unite4: Good has branches in NY and LA in the US, Moscow in Russia, New Delhi in India and also Africa. Everyone work under the leadership and vision of Mr.Anthony Melikhov, Founder, Unite4: Good

What is the meaning of Gross Happiness Index (GDH)? How is this concept evolved to bring about happiness among the people of the world?

  1. Happiness is not something ready-made. If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito. There is a saying in Tibetan, ‘Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength.
  2. Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.
  3.  If every person adopted the mindset that love, compassion, and kindness were superpowers, and set about using them daily, imagine how different the world would be.

“Kindness will become the most important measurement for success and the most cherished currency” quotes Anthony Melikhov

If somebody wants to get involved to promote the ideals of Unite 4 good what are the financial incentives available to sustain a volunteer worker in India?

Individuals or group connects with Unite4: Good and they assist is finding solutions and work with people who are in the field of Music, Art & Culture and Women Empowerment. We have volunteers but the financial incentive is received by the individual himself or herself. Unite4Good dies not have any financial incentives but opens up avenues for the individual to find their own financial earnings with their own talent .Unite4: Good is more like a Consultant between the Public and Private Sector.

Tell us about Art 4 Peace. What are the objectives? How are local artists selected to participate at the international event?

Art4Peace is based at Beverly Hills, CA and the Founder is Dame. Dr. Munni Irone. who has earned the title as the Royal Queen of Beverly Hills by the Royal Heritage for her exemplary humanitarian work for the past 40 years. Dame Munni Irone Life Coach, Cosmetologist, Philanthropist, and Entrepreneur based in Beverly Hills, California .