Bengaluru, Chinese electronics major Xiaomi on Monday announced that the company has sold 10 million “Redmi 5A” smartphones in nine months, as per the IDC monthly smartphone tracker report for August 2018.
“Redmi 5A is one of our blockbuster smartphone products due to the amazing features it offers, coupled with great quality and truly honest pricing,” said Raghu Reddy, Head of Categories and Online Sales, Xiaomi India.
The smartphone was launched in November, 2017 for Rs 5,999 in India.
Xiaomi “Redmi 5A” is powered by a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 chipset and houses a 3,000mAh battery.
In September, the company refreshed its budget Redmi series and launched Redmi 6, Redmi 6A and Redmi 6 Pro in India.
“Xiaomi as a brand will continue to bring innovative products of great quality with best specs and ensure that it is accessible to all consumers across India,” Reddy added.