UK troops touch down in Norway following epic road move

A Foxhound leading the convoy drives passed a Norwegian lake en route to the training area. Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE 2018 (TRJE) is the largest in a series of long-planned military exercises to ensure that NATO forces are trained, able to operate together and ready to respond to any threat, from any direction. Over 30 nations, involving 40,000 personnel are taking part in this 6 week exercise. The British ArmyÕs 4th Infantry Brigade HQ will deploy to command UK Reconnaissance, Infantry, Combat and Logistic Support units alongside a Danish battlegroup and a Polish Mechanised Infantry Company. The main British Army units will consist of The Light Dragoons, 1st Battalion The Royal Irish Regiment, 1st Battalion The Duke of Lancaster Regiment and 102 and 104 Logistic Brigade. Ex TRJE 18 consists of 4 elements ¥ Deployment & Redeployment Ð The British Army will move 1600 soldiers and over 1000 vehicles and equipment over 2500kms by road, rail, sea and airfrom the UK across Northern Europe and into Norway. ¥ NATO alliance and international training. ¥ Main exercise (Livex) ¥ Command Post exercise. Photographer: Corporal Ben Beale/ MoD Crown

Hundreds of British Army troops have successfully completed an epic road move to Norway

Hundreds of British Army troops have successfully completed an epic road move to Norway, where they will now begin training with allies ahead of NATO Exercise Trident Juncture.

Armed Forces Minister Mark Lancaster:

With the Arctic and Far North becoming increasingly militarised, it is now more important than ever for the UK and our NATO Allies to train across a range of challenging environments.

This exercise will truly test our ability to deter any aggression we may face in an era of intensifying threats.

Over the course of the next 10 days Army personnel will integrate with fellow troops from Denmark and Poland – sharing equipment, drills and personnel to form a multinational, combat-ready brigade.

Once complete British infantry and armoured reconnaissance vehicles, Danish main battle tanks and Polish armoured fighting vehicles will then conduct a week-long live exercise alongside brigades led by Germany and Italy against a fictitious invading enemy in defensive and offensive operations.

In total there will be 2,700 UK Armed Forces personnel as well as six Royal Navy ships, 480 vehicles and Royal Air Force Hawk aircraft.

With some 150 aircraft, 40,000 participants and 10,000 vehicles, Exercise Trident Juncture is the largest collective defence exercise NATO has seen in over a decade.