Juncker has ruined Europe, Italy: Deputy Prime Minister

Interior Minister and Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini

Rome,   Italian populist Interior Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini on Friday accused European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Economic and Financial Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici of wrecking Europe and Italy after they criticised Rome’s spending plans.

“Europe has approved economic measures that have in recent years impoverished Italy and made its situation precarious,” Salvini said during a visit to farming association Coldiretti’s trade fair in Rome.

“So I don’t wake up in the morning thinking about the judgments of people like Juncker and Moscovici, who have ruined Europe and our country.

“The populist government will forge ahead with its planned investments “calmly and with peace of mind” he said.

“They can say what they like.”

He also threatened to sue Juncker for damages, accusing the him of pushing up Rome’s cost of borrowing for likening Italy to Greece after it announced plans to triple its budget deficit.

“He should drink two glasses of water before opening his mouth, and stop spreading non-existent threats. Or we’ll ask him for damages,” Salvini said.

Juncker said earlier this week that the Italian governing coalition’s pledge to press ahead with a budget deficit that will breach EU rules endangered the euro.

His comments helped send the yield on Italian benchmark bonds to a four-and-a-half year high while shares in Italian banks plunged.